String Divisi Part 2

String Divisi Part 2 As a follow-up on my post about string divisi from two weeks ago, here a few more things to consider: 6.) Four-part triadic homophone harmony in violins, especially in the higher register is best divided in the way that the first violins play the...

Writing “For Samples”

Writing “For Samples” Even with all the advancement in sampling technology, you unfortunately still need to write “for samples” nowadays. This means that you need to keep the strengths and weaknesses of your samples in the back of your mind and...

Repeating Pitches in a Melody

Repeating Pitches in a Melody When writing a melody, many inexperienced composers tend to overuse certain pitches, their melody kind of gets stuck at a pitch and keeps on using it over and over again. For a certain length it is okay to hover around one pitch but it...

Re-creating Temp Tracks

Re-creating Temp Tracks Some of the most annoying jobs as a film composer are the ones where you are requested to “simply recreate the temp-track” and unfortunately, there’s no shortage of such jobs. Sometimes directors/producers get so used and comfortable with the...

The “Post Project Hole”

The “Post Project Hole” The contrast between being under extreme pressure and suddenly not having anything to do at all can sometimes be quite extreme in the media world. While on one day you’re doing all-nighters to hit a deadline, the next day you might...