Streamlined Working Environment

Streamlined Working Environment Keep your working environment streamlined and focused. Many people like buying all sorts of gear or sample library they can get their fingers on and believe it will improve their output quality but in reality, the more you have the...

Stylistic Diversity in One Film

Stylistic Diversity in One Film Even though the genre of film music allows a pretty wide variety of stylistics close to each other without feeling weird there are definitely limits to how far you can stretch the musical diversity in one film. This also includes to not...

Be Aware of Reel Changes?

Be Aware of Reel Changes? Many books on film scoring mention to avoid having any music over reel changes. Not too long ago when most film projection was done analog (meaning to actually have big reels of film being put into projectors), films were broken down into...

Creative Disagreement

Creative Disagreement Working for somebody doesn’t mean that you have to agree with him/her all the time. Don’t be afraid of arguments when discussing about the path a project should go musically. Many directors/producers I met prefer a composer who has a strong own...

Written Out Warm Ups for Brass

Written out warm ups for Brass On longer cues that incorporate the brass only briefly and only on some sections of the cue, it is easier for the players if you help them with a “written out warm up” rather than throwing them into cold water by requesting a big and...