Musicians’ Feedback

Musicians’ Feedback No book or course on orchestration can actually replace the invaluable lesson you can learn by talking to and/or observing musicians who are playing your music. Whenever you have the chance to work with musicians, try to find time to have a...

Hiding Sample Shortcomings

Hiding Sample Shortcomings If you can not mock-up an instrument convincingly in a piece (that eventually will end up without recording of real instruments in a score) due to the lack of decent libraries or just out of the fact that this instrument can not be simulated...

Melodic Steps and Leaps

Melodic Steps and Leaps One very old but also very useful rule for melodic writing is that a melodic leap in one direction should be followed by a melodic step in the other direction. Consecutive leaps in the same direction sound very dramatic and have the potential...

Using Collective Musical Memories

Using Collective Musical Memories Certain musical tropes, colours and paths are so strongly connected in the collective memories of people with certain emotions/situations that they’re becoming a musical cliché. Imagine Glockenspiel, Celesta etc. or the lydian...