Nov 8, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Double and Triple Tongue on Brass Double or triple tonguing passages on brass instruments can sound very exciting and fanfaric and can create a great effect of forward motion. They are created by interrupting the air flow into the instrument with the tongue with...
Nov 7, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Technical
Mix Delivery in Stems When delivering the music to the film mix, often a separation into so-called stems is requested, meaning that you don’t deliver a complete mix but several tracks with different instruments like one for woodwinds, one for brass etc. This gives...
Nov 6, 2019 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Parallel Movement of Several Voices Parallel movement of many voices usually sounds musically rather unattractive. Particularly if you let several voices leap into the same direction, the collective change of instrumental register will create a sonical disconnect that...
Nov 5, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, General
(Over)Stretching Your Comfort Zone Be sure BEFORE you sign for a project whether you can deliver or not. It is probably the worst nightmare and questioning your professionalism if you cancel the work on a project in the middle because you realize that you cannot...
Nov 1, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Arpeggios on Brass Instruments While fast chord arpeggios are great and no problem to play on strings and woodwinds, they can become very difficult on brass instruments. It is quite tricky for brass players to cover a big range safely in a short time and especially if...