Apr 10, 2019 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Real Musicians and Rhythmic Complexity One of the most common reasons for slowdowns in recording sessions with real musicians are (unnecessarily) tricky rhythms. As a composer/orchestrator you should always be sure that real musicians are not sequencers that can play...
Oct 16, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Audience’s Attention in the Movies Be aware that at least 75% of the audience’s attention during a movie lies on the images. As a consequence, writing too subtle (e.g. bringing a hint of the main theme in an accompanying figure etc) when it needs to have a...
Jul 13, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Intonation without context Remember that the intonation with most instruments in the orchestra doesn’t work like a piano where you simply hit a key and the resulting pitch is perfectly in tune. Rather there is with all notes a variability in how high or low the...
Jul 11, 2018 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
REasons for commercial success One of the reasons for widespread commercial success for many art forms and media is the ability to appeal to a very wide group of people. For instance, commercial chart albums are very often conceptualized in a way to include not only a...