Linear Bass Motion

Linear Bass Motion Linear bass motion (or rather bass lines with strong melodic quality/voice leading) in general feel very attractive to the ear. Their power is actually strong enough to make even the strangest chord progressions on top of that plausible to our ear....

Narrative Links Beyond Themes

Narrative Links Beyond Themes Themes are not the only thing that can be used to identify characters/locations/situations musically. In fact, using too many themes especially on a genre that usually doesn’t have many themes might just become feeling strangely operatic...

Connecting Close Cues

Connecting Close Cues If during the planning of your score you notice that two ore more cues will be pretty close together (meaning less than 30 seconds in between), unless that moment of silence is essential (point of a joke, strong emotional moment etc.), you should...

Dramatic Links Beyond Leitmotifs

Dramatic Links beyond Leitmotifs There are many more possibilities when scoring a film (or rather when writing music at all) to create dramatic connections. Every single musical element can serve the purpose of connecting cues. Obviously, a melodic idea is the...