Jan 13, 2020 | Career Building, Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring, General, News, Orchestration, Technical, Working Together
The End of Daily Film Scoring Bits? 2020 marks the tenth anniversary of Daily Film Scoring Bits. What started out as a small idea has quickly developed into a very popular resource for learning composers. I received great feedback from all over the world and obviously...
Dec 10, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Scene Change Transition Cues Music can help a lot to smoothen rough transitions between scenes. Particularly scene transitions that change location and time can often feel very rough. Having music cues over such scene changes that deliberately de-emphasize the...
Dec 3, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Quasi-Authentic References Particularly with geographic references in film music, there often is a glaring difference between the music that is traditionally being played at that location and the music the general (western) audience THINKS is being played at that...
Nov 26, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Scoring Big Hit Points First When you need to score a scene that has one or even several big moments you need to hit and highlight, it is a quite effective way to lay out your sketch the way that you score or at least sketch these important moments first one by one...
Nov 19, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Rhythmical “Engines” Particularly in action and adventure scenes, the scoring usually relies heavily on pushing rhythms and lots of rhythmical activity. If you do not want to fall back to using percussion all the way through or even a drum kit in such sequences, you...