Mixing Dialogue Underscore

Mixing Dialogue Underscore Scoring dialogue scenes comes with a few specific requirements, all of which put emphasize on the necessity to keep the speaking voices understandable in the final mix. In writing, a general rule of thumb is to treat the speakers as if they...

Alternative String Seating

Alternative String Seating The standard orchestral seating for string instruments from the conductor’s point of view would be from left to right: Violins 1, Violins 2, Violas, Celli and Basses behind the Celli on the far right. This seating has established as...

Sub Bass Synths

Sub Bass Synths The ultra low bass frequency support for instance on sustained (string) chords is very common in today’s film scores and one of the style defining traits of “modern Hollywood”. However, it is practically not achievable with acoustic...

Cinema Sound Systems Surprises

Cinema Sound Systems Surprises Unless you get a chance to listen to your score in a mixing cinema when doing the film mix (which is usually something only higher budgeted movies do) you should be prepared for your music sounding quite different in the cinema than it...