Dec 11, 2019 | Composition, Daily Film Scoring Bits
Balance Between Surprise and Being Expectable Compositions that are considered attractive and interesting by most listeners usually find a balance between being expectable and suprising. This applies from the smallets structures to the largest extents of the...
Apr 30, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Music and the Perception of Time Music can alter the perception of time quite heavily. It can actually even work like a subjective slow motion. For example imagine a huge battle, the last few minutes of it, the hero is fighting, lots of fast action and instead of...
Mar 5, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Relevance of Playback Medium for Film Scoring Always be conscious about what medium you’re writing music for. The audience has a different focus on the story, the visuals and the music when sitting in a dark cinema staring at a huge screen as opposed to watching a...
Oct 16, 2018 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Film Scoring
Audience’s Attention in the Movies Be aware that at least 75% of the audience’s attention during a movie lies on the images. As a consequence, writing too subtle (e.g. bringing a hint of the main theme in an accompanying figure etc) when it needs to have a...