Overdubbing Small Line-Ups

Overdubbing Small Line-Ups Overdubbing the same instruments to create a bigger and more epic sound only works to a certain extent. While it is possible to overdub a quite large string section to give it a little bit more substance and power against the...

Mood Killers in Scoring Sessions

Mood Killers in Scoring Sessions An orchestra is not only an ensemble of different instruments but also a group of human beings. Psychological factors can influence the performance quite heavily, not only whether it is a rainy day or things like that but also by the...

Tired Ears

Tired Ears If possible never deliver a final mix for important clients right after you finished working on it but rather sleep over it. Very often, when you work for a long time on a piece you either start to not hear problems or start to hear problems that are not...

What is an A Orchestra?

What is an A Orchestra? When you’re on a tight music budget and still want to record an orchestra, it is a good plan to set up orchestral sessions with a so-called A-, B- and sometimes even C-orchestra, meaning that you specifically write certain cues for a smaller...

Bow Tremolo Stamina

Bow Tremolo Stamina While bow tremolos on the strings create a great shimmering or a very climactic effect, make sure to not write too long passages in tremolo. Especially on loud dynamics, this technique becomes quite exhausting and eventually the muscles of your...