Dec 20, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Exotic Scale Runs When writing runs for any instrument that is capable of playing runs, you should stick to plausible scales. Instrumentalists practice their whole life to play scale runs in any form – upwards, downwards, starting on different scale degrees etc....
Aug 23, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Vibrato The amount and intensity of vibrato as a default playing style is highly depending on the instrument and also location of the orchestra. While string players naturally add vibrato to longer notes, brass players only play with slight vibrato when they have an...
Jun 21, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Trills and Composers with a Piano Background For everybody coming from a piano background, a trill usually feels quite noisy and dragging a lot of attention on itself due to the many audible attacks of the notes that you get when you do a trill on a piano. This makes...
May 31, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Study Instrument Registers Just as important as knowing the ranges of the instruments that you are writing for you should also have a clear idea about their registers and dynamic possibilities of them in these registers. There are a few charts out there which show one...
May 17, 2019 | Daily Film Scoring Bits, Orchestration
Problematic Woodwind Unisons Intonation on woodwind instruments is sometimes quite trickier and way more problematic than samples might make you believe. There are few configurations where slight intonation differences become very obvious: 1. Avoid exposed unisons on...