Negotiating Payment Structure

Negotiating Payment Structure On projects that take quite a long time (like several months), you should make sure to negotiate payments in installments. Even though the prospect of being paid quite a lot of money after the project is exciting, it doesn’t help to pay...

Number of Revisions Limits

Number of Revisions Limits One of the most important things to do when negotiating a deal, especially on the “smaller” projects, is to limit the amount of revisions. A deal that at first seems really good can really become a nightmare when the client requests revision...

Consequences of Unfair Business Behavior

Consequences of Unfair Business Behavior Play a fair game. Ripping off people you work with is definitely one of the worst ideas. In the media world, reputation and the word of mouth are very strong factors. Once you get a reputation to be someone who doesn’t play...

Stay In Touch With Clients

Stay in Touch With Clients Taking care of your important business contacts and keeping the contact alive is a very important thing to do. This is especially important when you haven’t worked with them for a while. Producers/directors often have so many things on their...