Overdubbing Small Line-Ups

Overdubbing Small Line-Ups Overdubbing the same instruments to create a bigger and more epic sound only works to a certain extent. While it is possible to overdub a quite large string section to give it a little bit more substance and power against the...

Placebo Effects in Mixing or Mastering

Placebo Effects in Mixing or Mastering Mixing and mastering has a lot of placebo effect potential and considering all the esotheric advices and approaches that some people advocate for on the internet regarding the improvement of their mixes, it is also a field to get...

Unindicated Switches of Instruments

Unindicated Switches of Instruments There are some sections in a real orchestra that constantly switch between different instruments without you as a composer even noticing it. The most prominent examples are the Clarinets and Trumpets. Even though a part might be...

Good Samples vs. Bad Orchestras

Good Samples vs Bad Orchestras On low budget movies, composers often try to squeeze the last penny out of their budget and try to get amateur or student orchestras involved to record their score. My general experience on such experiments is to rather go for a good...