Number of Revisions Limits

Number of Revisions Limits One of the most important things to do when negotiating a deal, especially on the “smaller” projects, is to limit the amount of revisions. A deal that at first seems really good can really become a nightmare when the client requests revision...

Sending Out More Than One Cue

Sending Out More Than One Cue If you’re working on a film score or a project that involves writing more than one cue, it might generally be a good idea to send out small batches of several cues to get feedback rather than sending out each cue one by one. If you...

Vague Client Feedback

Vague Client Feedback One of the most annoying things when scoring a film is getting inconclusive and vague feedback from your client. If you are not sure why your customer doesn’t like a particular cue even after he/she has given feedback on it, keep asking...