Close Mic Sound Characteristics

Close Mic Sound Characteristics The sound of orchestral instruments is heavily influenced by the room it plays in. With some instruments, the interaction with the room is essential. For instance the French Horns which always project to the back of the room and bounce...

Placebo Effects in Mixing or Mastering

Placebo Effects in Mixing or Mastering Mixing and mastering has a lot of placebo effect potential and considering all the esotheric advices and approaches that some people advocate for on the internet regarding the improvement of their mixes, it is also a field to get...

Balance of the Harp

Balance of the Harp In a real orchestral tutti, there’s hardly any chance for the harp to be heard. The only thing that might have a chance to cut through are quite strong and expansive glissandos, but any figuration etc. gets lost already in a mezzoforte tutti. Most...

Mockup Quality to Justify Real Orchestra

Mockup Quality to Justify Real Orchestra The quality and also availability (more sample content creators, smaller price tag) of orchestral samples has increased dramatically over the last 10-15 years and while back then they were easily to distinguish from the real...

Modern Score Sound Esthetics

Modern Score Sound Esthetics Some sound esthetics that are practically not possible to be reproduced by acoustic instruments are nowadays “style defining” for a lot of film music. So, often a large amount of manipulation is being done on the music. Apart from the very...