Stay In Touch With Clients

Stay in Touch With Clients Taking care of your important business contacts and keeping the contact alive is a very important thing to do. This is especially important when you haven’t worked with them for a while. Producers/directors often have so many things on their...

The Relevance of Your IMDb Page

The Relevance of your IMDB Page In the film world, your IMDb page is quite important to showcase your references. This platform has been the standard in the industry for several years now. Producers/companies might even check your IMDb page to find out about your...

Paying for Job Offers

Paying for Job Offers There are quite a few people and companies who try to make money from the fact that the market for media composers is extremely crowded and everybody is looking for jobs. There are a few platforms online that promise access to “job offers” if you...

Relying on Only a Few Clients

Relying on only a Few Clients Always take care to have a wide range of customers. When you are in a comfortable position of getting a steady flow of projects and therefore income from a few customers, you might not see the urgent pressure to aquire new customers but...