Recording musicians separately

Recording musicians separately Whenever you record an instrument or a section separate from the rest of the orchestra/line-up, never just record them to click and nothing else. Musicians hate playing something without hearing or knowing the context that they’re in...

Composing backwards

Composing Backwards One strategy of finding a plausible way to a specific chord or to a key change is to work backwards from the target chord. This works particularly well if the music that you’re writing is mainly cadential harmony as you can simply look at your...
Hero – Complete Score Sheet

Hero – Complete Score Sheet

HERO – Complete Score Short Film, USA, 2017composed/orchestrated by Robin Hoffmannrecorded with City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra   Learn More Download...
Black sheep in the business

Black sheep in the business

Black sheep in the business Never trust any spectacular business promises by someone in the business who you don’t know. Unfortunately there are a lot of black sheep in the media world trying to especially talk inexperienced people into working on something under...