Communicating With a Client

Communicating With a Client Don’t expect your director to have enough musical knowledge to be able to communicate in musical terms. Find a way to make communication with him/her clear when presenting your concept or ideas. A good way is to talk in emotions like “It...

Stay In Touch With Clients

Stay in Touch With Clients Taking care of your important business contacts and keeping the contact alive is a very important thing to do. This is especially important when you haven’t worked with them for a while. Producers/directors often have so many things on their...

Giving a Face to the Name

Giving a Face to the Name Clients and customers prefer to have a clear image of who is actually working for them. There are quite a few people who hide behind umpersonal websites that they call something like “Awesome Music Studio”, speaking of “we” and “us” without...

Sending Out More Than One Cue

Sending Out More Than One Cue If you’re working on a film score or a project that involves writing more than one cue, it might generally be a good idea to send out small batches of several cues to get feedback rather than sending out each cue one by one. If you...